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The Lake Preston City Council held a special year-end meeting on Mon., Dec. 30 at 6 p.m. at City Hall. They received a lengthy review of the recent water-capacity study related to Gevo’s potential … more
10 years ago December 31, 2014 Lake Preston High School junior Hunter Backman and senior Kiana Hoff became published writers, when their poems appeared in the “Accolades 2014 Poetry Collection.” … more
Spirit Lake Presbyterian Church worship service: Sunday, 10:30 a.m. Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. FM 88.1 Live Facebook Pastor Dick Poppen speaks on KXLG99.1: Sunday, 8:03 a.m. Confirmation: Wed., 6 - 8 … more
The Kingsbury County Commissioners met on Tues., Dec. 18 at 8:30 a.m. at the Kingsbury County Courthouse to discuss bridges, Riverview Dairy Tax Increment Financing (TIF), vacation carryover, rural … more
Here is a look back at some of the stories printed in the Kingsbury Journal during the first half of 2024. Jan. 3: When Dr. Tim Salonen announced his retirement and the closing of his De Smet … more
The money collected on a $117.50 speeding ticket is distributed to the following sources: $39 to the school district in the county where the violation occurred, $30 to the Law Enforcement Officer … more
The Kingsbury County Sheriff’s Department reports six accidents. Nov. 15 – Nora Kirgis, Rochester, Minn., was traveling west on US Highway 14 near mile marker 392 when a deer ran onto the … more
It feels like Christmas snuck up on us again this year. I thought I had a jump on my shopping. I asked for everyone’s Christmas lists before Thanksgiving, so I could take advantage of the Black … more
It’s the expectation of unwrapping all those presents under the tree and trying to figure out which package holds the one gift from the long list you left for “Santa.” Some try to shake the … more
Spirit Lake Presbyterian Church worship service: Sunday, 10:30 a.m. FM 88.1 Live Facebook, Sunday School, 9:30 a.m., Pastor Dick Poppen speaks on KXLG 99.1: Sunday, 8:03 a.m. Confirmation: Wednesday, … more
The Sunday School will be leading the worship service Sun., Dec. 29 at 11 a.m., presenting their Christmas program “The Customs of Christmas.” Everyone is invited. The Loyal Ladies hosted their … more
December 24, 1914 Thursday night the LaRue Mercantile Company Store was broken into, and goods to the value of from $50 to $75 are known to be taken and possibly more. The burglar gained entrance by … more
The Esmond United Methodist Church held their annual children’s program and candle lighting with pageant last Sunday evening, followed by a search by the children to find a hidden shepherd boy and … more
The De Smet City Council met for a special meeting on Mon., Dec. 16 at 5 p.m. at City Hall. The council members met with Karen Schaefers, engineer with IMEG, to discuss bids received for the Main … more
25 YEARS AGO December 22, 1999 De Smet school officials are opposed to switching girls basketball and volleyball seasons, but school board members stopped short last week of signing the resolution on … more
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