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It was a busy weekend for many students who competed at the State One-Act Play Festival Feb. 6-8 at the Oscar Larson Performing Arts Center on the campus of South Dakota State University in … more
The Kingsbury County Commissioners met at the Kingsbury County Courthouse on Tues., Feb. 4 at 8:30 a.m. to discuss joining a National Highway Safety Grant Program and to get an annual update from … more
Imagine waking up in the night, only to see flames from a fire. For many children, that would be a scary sight, and they might not know what to do. The night of Jan. 15 was just a typical one for the … more
The IMPACT group toured the Flower Shop Dispensary of medical marijuana in Brookings, S.D. Personnel answered questions and displayed their various South Dakota-grown marijuana products. The group … more
This week I’m sharing a recipe to make the perfect hamburger buns, but first, I decided I better also share some information on how to store them. There is nothing worse than finding your pretty … more
Recently, the Lake Preston Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) held a fundraiser at a basketball game. Members sold bracelets and offered two raffle items and several silent-auction items. Thanks … more
Quarter Two a Honor Roll Seniors: Grace Greene, Ryne Greene, Amelia Holland, Lane Jensen, Trinity Pirlet Juniors: Mallory Carlson, Ben Curd, Brityn Davies, Hadlee Holt*, Lorick Pirlet Sophomores: … more
10 years ago February 11, 2015 Brookings Health Systems Chief Nursing Officer Tammy Hillestad recently became a fellow of the American College of Healthcare Executives (ACHE), the nation’s leading … more
Prairie View Vet Clinic is hosting an open house on Wed., Feb. 19 from 4-6 p.m. to welcome Dr. Megan Tuschen to their practice. Everyone is invited to come meet Dr. Tuschen. The clinic will be … more
Every year, Laura Ingalls Wilder grade school comes alive with the spirit of the pioneer era as it celebrates Laura Ingalls Wilder Week. This special event, hosted by the Laura Ingalls Wilder … more
Kingston Pork, a sow farm managed by Pipestone and located west of De Smet, is doing what they can to show how much they care about the community and their desire to see it thrive. The De Smet … more
10 years ago February 11, 2015 The Dairy Queen, which has been closed for several months, will re-open in mid-March. Hamlin County natives, Kelan and Torrie Bludorn of Brookings recently purchased … more
The Edgar Herrick Arlington American Legion Auxiliary Unit 42 in District 6 recognized Gerri Murphy as Legionette of the Year. “Oh, the things you can do that are good for you!” This Dr. Seuss … more
The Arlington American Legion Auxiliary Unit 42 and members Denise Smith, Penny Rinderneck and LaNell Quam were pleased to present a donation to the Arlington School District. This included school … more
The most recent survey of teen mental health by the Centers for Disease Control in 2023 revealed that 20.3% of adolescents in the United States have been diagnosed with a mental health condition. … more
Spirit Lake Presbyterian Church worship: Sunday, 10:30 a.m., Sunday School, 9:30 a.m., FM 88.1 – Live Facebook. Pastor Dick Poppen speaks on KXLG 99.1 radio: Sunday, 8:03 a.m., Confirmation: … more
Trinity Lutheran Church worship: Sat., Feb. 15, 6 p.m. Services are held in the basement each winter to conserve on heat. Visitors are always welcome. The annual meeting of Trinity Lutheran Church … more
Pastor Richert of Brookings was the speaker at church on Feb. 9, 2025, speaking on the subject of “love does not delight in doing evil.” Paul is writing to the church at Corinth, because though … more
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