Lake Preston
262 results total, viewing 121 - 140
Everyone imagines what it would be like to live out a dream. However, living out dreams brings a whole lot of emotions, both frightening and exciting. Elena Campagnolo is living out one of her dreams … more
The Lake Preston City Council held its regular monthly meeting on Mon., Dec. 4 at 6 p.m. in the Community Room. This meeting kicked off with a public hearing about the ongoing water/sewer … more
It may be in between fall and winter sports for many high school students, but that does not mean students have been without something to do. Some at Lake Preston have been busy competing in FFA … more
The Lake Preston Board of Education held its regular monthly meeting on Mon., Nov. 13 at 5:30 p.m. in the superintendent’s conference room. After beginning with a discussion about expensive bus … more
The Lake Preston City Council held a special meeting in the Community Room at 7 p.m. on Tues., Nov. 14 to discuss the annual renewal of the alcohol license for American Legion Post 63. The renewal … more
Lake Preston Museum board members initiated a project to make the history behind the early buildings and merchants in Lake Preston available to the public. Many of the buildings have an extensive … more
The Lake Preston City Council held its regular monthly meeting on Mon., Nov. 6, at 7 p.m. at City Hall. The highlights of the meeting were a discussion about renewing liquor licenses, particularly … more
Three Lake Preston students participated in the SDMEA Freshmen Festival last week in Mitchell. They had a fun day and an interesting ride home where they used some of the skills that teacher Mr. … more
What started as a $50 book grant for seniors who graduated in 1999 has now turned into a $2500 scholarship for all graduating seniors from Lake Preston. The only stipulations are that students must … more
The Lake Preston School offers a variety of opportunities for their students. Right now, several have been working on oral interpretation pieces.   Freshmen Josslyn Emery and Konnor Nuzum have … more
When Sam and Andrina Vedvei, Norwegian immigrants, settled in the Lake Preston area in the early 1900s, little did they know that almost 100 years later, it would still be home to their eldest son, … more
Codi Smith is someone many in the community know as an employee of Horizon Healthcare for the past decade. While she still helps out at the clinic at times, she has also taken on a new and exciting … more
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