78 results total, viewing 61 - 78
Vicky Augenbaugh’s mother from Mesa, Ariz., has been visiting the past week, along with Vicky’s sister who has been recovering from knee replacement. Annette and Charemon Dunham attended the … more
The Bornitz families, the Marshall family of Piedmont, S.D., along with visiting aunts and cousins, attended the Carthage Straw Bale Days last weekend. Travis Bornitz and his mother Nancy were … more
Joanne Schlueter, Marilyn Skyberg, Rita Anderson and Joanne's daughter Geanna and granddaughter Caitlyn are spending the week on the Notre Dame campus in South Bend, Ind., at the America's Youth on … more
Vicky Aughenbaugh attended a regional Day Lily Convention held last week in Muscatine, Iowa. Charemon and Annette Dunham attended the Iroquois Sports Day Friday evening picnic and on Saturday, … more
Adaline Reilly was a Sunday dinner guest of the Dean and Carla Reilly family in Iroquois. The family members attending were Carla’s sisters Connie and Kathryn. Vicky Aughenbaugh was in Nashville, … more
Annette and Charemon Dunham attended the South Dakota American Legion State Convention at Oacoma, S.D., on June 8-11. Charemon presented the South Dakota American Legion Press Association Awards for … more
Charemon and Annette Dunham were in Erwin for a county American Legion meeting and Flag Disposal Ceremony last Wednesday. On Thursday, they were in Aberdeen to observe Boys State on the American … more
Vicky Aughenbaugh celebrated her birthday with guests Gene and Joanne Schlueter and Gordie and Marilyn Skyberg on Sunday afternoon, and Mark and Kara Aughenbaugh and family brought supper Sunday … more
Word was received of the passing of Irene Heaviland Aughenbaugh, 96, of Gillette, Wyo. Irene came to Esmond in 1938 with her parents and three brothers, Kenneth, Murray and Phil, when her parents Asa … more
Annette and Charemon Dunham presented the Citizen Awards to students of the Iroquois Middle School and High School on behalf of the American Legion and the first, second and third place awards for … more
Adaline Reilly, along with her granddaughter Jana Rose, attended the Colton Schweigert-Summer Gross wedding held at the Canton Barn, Canton, S.D., on Saturday evening. Annette and Charemon Dunham … more
Joanne Schlueter and Rita Anderson accompanied Marilyn Skyberg to Rochester, Minn. on Friday for the wedding of Mallory Aughenbaugh and Max Cruse. Mallory is the daughter of Kirk and Melissa … more
The Clendenings had as visitors for Easter, Roy Clendening, Baylee and Abby Clendening from Belle Fourche, Taylor Clendening and Damian from Watertown. The Craig and Katee Olinger family from … more
Vicky and Rick Aughenbaugh hosted a birthday party on Tues., March 28 for the birthdays of Rick and Rita Aughenbaugh. Those attending were Gordie and Marilyn Skyberg, Gene and Joanne Schlueter, Pat … more
Adaline Reilly brought treats for fellowship after Sunday church to celebrate her birthday. Birthday visitors the past week have been Tricia and Shelby Pekron from Cavour; Sarah and Sage Schweigert, … more
Adaline Reilly had as visitors this past week, grandson Andy Hornig and great-grandson Josh Keating. Marlin Clendening attended some of the Girls State B Basketball Tournament in Huron. Mark and Kara … more
Richard, Travis and Michelle Bornitz attended Quynn Holter’s Middle School State Honor Band Concert held Saturday in Huron. She is a granddaughter. Michelle Bornitz’s mother from Sioux Falls has … more
Adaline Reilly had as visitors grandson Mike DeJong and girls from Minnesota on Saturday and grandson Andy Hornig on Sunday afternoon. The Dunhams presented the colors while Rosalie Wehlander sang … more
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