78 results total, viewing 1 - 20
Joanne Schlueter returned home after a week in Canton, Ohio, where she was coaching the Jazz Dolls Baton Twirling Corps. This group is the United States National Champion and will represent the USA … more
Joanne Schlueter returned home after spending the weekend in Aiken, S.C. She is a member of the American committee directing the baton twirling competition with the winners becoming United States … more
There have been no church services in Esmond the past two Sundays. It has been cold, and we are getting old. There is some movement in the news area, however. Charemon Dunham attended the Kingsbury … more
January has a typical lull in activities and goings on, so just history notes from the 1890s. We remember the “Dirty Thirties,” through experience and stories of black blizzards, but the 1890s … more
Travis and Michele Bornitz and family went to Sioux Falls on New Year’s Day to visit Michele’s mother and brother. Marlin and Jeanette Clendening had as guests New Year’s Eve and New Year’s … more
Rick and Vicky Aughenbaugh gathered with the Mark and Kara Aughenbaugh family on Christmas Eve, and on Christmas Day, they had as guests the Mark Aughenbaugh family and Corey and Lorelei Aughenbaugh … more
The Esmond United Methodist Church held their annual children’s program and candle lighting with pageant last Sunday evening, followed by a search by the children to find a hidden shepherd boy and … more
The Esmond Christmas party was held on a cold winter's night last Wednesday in the township hall. People and children came from the surrounding area and communities to enjoy the fellowship, … more
Adaline, Dale and Barb Reilly attended the Faith Mennonite church, rural Iroquois, for Christmas dinner and youth singing held last Thursday evening. Selma and Annette Dunham attended the turkey … more
Adaline Reilly was a Thanksgiving Day guest of the Dean and Carla Reilly family of Iroquois. Other guests were the Mike Harris family and Carla’s sisters Connie, Charlene and Catherine. Dale and … more
Selma Dunham attended the American Legion turkey Bingo held recently in De Smet. The Kingsbury Journal’s Photo of the Week last week featured Charmon Dunham and Annette Dunham, receiving the Quilts … more
Charemon Dunham and Annette Dunham attended the presentation of “Quilts of Valor” to Dale Cundy and Don Zavesky on Saturday in Huron. Adaline, Dale and Barb Rielly attended Dick Reilly’s … more
The Bornitz family held their annual family Darin Bornitz Memorial Day at the South Dakota State University football game last Saturday in Brookings. There were 22 in attendance made up of the … more
Michele Bornitz and boys were in Sioux Falls last weekend, visiting her mother Sharon Story and other family members. Richard and Travis Bornitz attended the South Dakota State University Hobo Day … more
Adaline Reilly’s great-granddaughter Shelby Pekron was chosen Homecoming queen last week at Iroquois High School. Her great-grandson Deion Harris recently completed Marine Corps basic training, and … more
Annette and Charemon Dunham attended the American Legion National Convention held Aug. 23-29 in New Orleans, La. Leo, Annette, Charemon and Selma Dunham attended the concert “Red,” a tribute to … more
Michele Bornitz’s mother, Sharon Story of Sioux Falls, visited the Travis and Michele Bornitz family last week. Kim (Bornitz) Sherman and girls from Sioux Falls visited her parents Richard and … more
Adaline, Dale and Barb Reilly attended an 80th birthday party for Adaline’s brother Dannie Johnson at Wentworth last Saturday. Vicky Aughenbaugh recently hosted the Kingsbury Conservation District … more
Marlin and Jeanette Clendening attended the Iroquois Sports Day activities last Saturday. The Dunham girls presented the colors of the Iroquois Sports Day parade and then helped serve the Legion meal … more
Michele Bornitz and children were in Sioux Falls, visiting her mother Sharon Story last Saturday. The Bornitz family is busy going to little league baseball games. Marlin and Jeanette Clendening, … more
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