De Smet
280 results total, viewing 101 - 120
The De Smet Elementary School recently held their annual pop tab war, which made some people wonder what the big deal with these little pop tabs is. It turns out little pop tabs are a big deal for … more
The De Smet School Board met on Mon., March 11, at 5:30 p.m. to discuss several items including a brief update on the progress of the new elementary building, comments regarding social media and a … more
For anyone looking for a quiet and private place to stay, the Eagle Landing Lodge, located on a hill about a mile west of Highway 25 on 218th Street, would be a great place to check out. The lodge is … more
Marian Cramer said she never intended to be a writer. But during her lifetime she has written and published hundreds of pages. And earlier in February, the South Dakota State Historical Society … more
After over 30 years of serving the De Smet and surrounding communities, Rich and Judy Smith decided to retire and sell Rich’s Gas & Service. Prior to owning the gas station, Rich worked at the … more
De Smet City Council was held on Thurs., Feb. 15 at 5 p.m., after being postponed one day because of the snow De Smet received on Wednesday. During the meeting several topics were discussed including … more
The De Smet community scholarship has been helping high school seniors continue their educations after graduation thanks to the continuous support of local businesses and organizations along with … more
The De Smet School Board met on Mon., Feb. 12 at 5:30 p.m. to discuss what class De Smet will be in football for the upcoming season, who was hired to coach softball and how De Smet School compares … more
South Dakota Farmers Union Foundation recently awarded $500 scholarships to youth from five rural South Dakota communities. “Youth are our future,” said Karla Hofhenke, Executive Director of … more
Due to high demand in the area, another hair salon has opened in De Smet. Amanda Fields opened Fields Salon this month and is taking appointments and walk-ins four days a week. She offers haircuts … more
We are third-grade students at Laura Ingalls Wilder Elementary School in De Smet, S.D. We read about honor flights in our Scholastic News. We wanted to help send veterans on the Midwest Honor Flight. … more
Welcoming people into your home is not always easy. Imagine opening your home to an absolute stranger, a teenager from a different country. English is not his first language, and he will be living … more
Conrad Bradley Schaefer was born Jan. 4 to Kevin and Annie Schaefer of Colman, S.D. He weighed 7 pounds, 15 ounces and is 20 1/4 inches long. Conrad joins siblings Brielle, Barrett, Blaire and … more
The De Smet Knights of Columbus Free Throw Contest was held on Sun., Jan. 21. Boys Winners: Grayson Millman (left), age 13: 9 of 15, Gradyn Henrich, age 12: 13 of 15, Gatlin Wienk, 14: age 11of 15, … more
The De Smet School Board met on Wed., Jan. 10, after their regular monthly meeting on Jan. 8 was postponed due to the weather. During the meeting the board swore in a new board member, discussed a … more
The De Smet City Council met on Wed., Jan. 10 at 5 p.m. at the De Smet Event Center, holding their regular monthly meeting along with the Second Street Project Hearing. CURB AND GUTTER HEARING The … more
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