444 results total, viewing 101 - 120
Have you ever really wanted to tell someone how much you care, how much love you have but couldn’t find adequate words? Maybe it was a friend or family member who was struggling. You had an almost … more
If you’re lucky enough to have fresh herbs in your garden or buy more than what you can use right away, I’m sharing tips this week on how to store them, so they stay fresh longer. First, wash the … more
Silence is golden, but not when you are waiting to hear your washer begin. I pulled out the button on my Kenmore, turned it to the maximum wash time and pushed Start. Water began pouring in, so I … more
My family did some moving when I was growing up. I went to elementary school, junior high, as it was then called, and high school in all different towns. As an adult I have lived in Washington, D.C., … more
It was a list of names . Following each, in perfect handwriting, was an address and notes of interest: hobbies, favorite animal. “Please choose someone from the list for your summer pen pal.” … more
I hope everyone is finding a way to stay cool; it looks like temperatures will be on the rise this coming week. The only positive is, hopefully, the heat will take care of some of the mosquitoes that … more
Mental health treatment within the criminal justice system plays a pivotal, yet, often overlooked role in both the well-being and rehabilitation of incarcerated individuals. This is frequently … more
I love fishing. There’s almost no better way to relax, get away from the hubbub of daily life and connect with the natural beauty all around us. They taste pretty good, too! South Dakota is home to … more
We survived our trip out west to Sturgis, and I didn’t forget anything or anyone important. For those who didn’t read my column last week, I was in a bit of a panic over packing and forgetting … more
Do you ever feel physically, emotionally or spiritually drained? Maybe a particular affliction or tragedy has seemingly left you without your old resources. Maybe it is just an accumulation of the … more
It was summertime, and the livin’ was anything but easy. The farmers needed to cultivate, make hay and harvest. Cattle had to be moved to greener pastures. Plentiful water was crucial, especially … more
The Fourth of July has always been a special day to me. It’s our nation’s birthday, of course, but it’s also the day that my husband Bryon proposed. On July 4th, 1991, I told a group of youth … more
It’s family vacation time and I’m busy trying to get everything ready. I’m not sure about everyone else, but I never feel like I need a vacation until it’s time to get ready for one. I get so … more
School was out! I had looked forward to summer for weeks. To ditch Dick and Jane for real books. To follow Mom and ride the tractor with Dad. Baby kittens needed snuggling. Bare toes longed to touch … more
For a time, several years ago, I took care of an elderly gentleman on Saturday afternoons in order to allow his daughter time to do errands and take a breath. We would watch old westerns together, … more
What fills you up? What is satisfying and brings contentment and peace? What, in short, is your portion? If you are like most of us, your portion has changed over time; maybe, it changes every day. … more
Cottonwoods glistened in the sunshine. The unfailing click of the windmill, the mamas calling to their new babies in the pastures and the twitter of a happy robin blended in the gentle South Dakota … more
Rain, rain, go away! I’m not sure about the rest of you, but I could use a break from all the rain. It seems like we waited a long time for some moisture, and now it won’t stop. Our sump pump has … more
Farmers are some of the biggest gamblers I know. They go to a bank, borrow money to buy land and borrow more money to buy equipment. They go back and get an operating note so they can buy seed, … more
“There’s a nice breeze today, good for drying. Let’s get the bedding washed.” Mom pulled back the blankets on each bed and untucked the sheets, gathering them into a big round bundle. My job … more
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