444 results total, viewing 81 - 100
“The golden-rod is yellow; The corn is turning brown; The trees in apple orchards With fruit are bending down.” Mom could recite the whole poem “September” by Helen Hunt Jackson. I always get … more
Apple season seems to be here; at least it is for us. We recently went to visit my mom in Dell Rapids, and she had buckets of extra apples from my aunt’s house, waiting for us when we arrived. We … more
Each year, we celebrate the South Dakota State Fair in the days leading up to Labor Day. Activities kick off Wednesday and wrap up Monday. I love the state fair for so many reasons. I always head for … more
Screams of fright drowned out the bellow of a distraught cow in the distance. A discordant chorus of humans and machines bombarded us from all sides as we hurried to our destination. A calliope … more
Have you ever found yourself wishing for a deeper, richer relationship with God? You may not put it in quite those terms. Maybe you just have a feeling that there must be more. Something is missing. … more
I’m beginning to run out of patience when it comes to our chickens. I mean, seriously, how long do they think they can hang out here before they start earning their keep? I honestly didn’t … more
It’s back to school time. My children are all grown up with their school days behind them, and although my grandchildren are still young, Miss Addie is starting preschool. This time of year means … more
The battered metal dishpan rocked on the kitchen table. Dents rounded the bottom, but the pan glistened in the light, polished from years of use. Mom poured liquid from the saucepan she brought from … more
The old story is told of the rich man who had many possessions that he greatly treasured, indeed that made up his entire self-identity. One night he woke to find his house on fire. His first thought … more
I admit I’ve been so busy trying to keep up with the tomatoes, cucumbers and peppers in my garden, I forgot about my zucchini. Now, I suddenly found some monster zucchini that are about three … more
Lung cancer is the second most common cancer (not counting skin cancer) in both men and women, only behind prostate in men and breast in women. Although it is the second most common, it remains the … more
“We don’t complain about things – we fix them.” When my dad taught me that, he was talking about cows, horses, fences and ranch chores, not the wide-open southern border. However, the lesson … more
Time is at once the most concrete thing in the world and yet the most mysterious. We divide it into exact segments that never change; sometimes it passes quickly, and sometimes it…well, takes its … more
This is my favorite time of year; I love to get fresh vegetables from the garden and to share any extras at the Farmers’ Market. Our garden has been a challenge with all the weeds, but it’s … more
The term “lazy days of summer” did not apply to the middle months on the farm. The family was busy “making hay while the sun shines” and “sweating it out” in the kitchen. Along with the … more
Years ago, I lost a dear friend to suicide, and it was fundamentally life-changing for me. “I should have done something,” I remember thinking after the incident. “I should have said … more
If I were to ask you to describe the world in which we find ourselves, I am fairly confident you would not choose the word “united.” We are, it seems, ever more fragmented, ever more separated … more
Black smoke puffed from the exhaust pipe of the Farmall as it waited at the starting line. The driver focused intently on the contest director 70 yards ahead as the man on the loudspeaker announced … more
It has been a couple crazy, busy weeks trying to make sure all was ready for my daughter’s wedding, but thankfully the big day was last Saturday, and it went amazingly well. My daughter Alyssa … more
All across South Dakota, you’ve probably heard the roaring “wild hogs” across our highways and through our towns. Their roars and rumbles send a clear message: the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally is … more
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