444 results total, viewing 61 - 80
With the temperature taking a nosedive, I decided it was time to clear out the garden, and boy, did we have a lot to clear out! With the weathermen forecasting our first frost over the weekend, we … more
“Doc, my right hip has been bothering me. Do you think I need a new hip?” “First, tell me more about your hip pain.” Hip pain, which can have a variety of causes, is a common complaint. The … more
“There’s nothing better for the inside of a man than the outside of a horse.” That quote hung on a gate on our family farm and ranch as I was growing up. It wasn’t until years later that I … more
Reality shows remain a television mainstay, even though the “reality” portrayed is at best a little dubious. They often portray people just different enough from most of us (we imagine), and in … more
It was just big enough - my very own secret hiding place! Two or three bales had been pulled from the straw pile in front of the barn, leaving a small cave. This perfect hangout was dry and warm … more
When we started our garden, I planted a little bit of everything including spaghetti squash. I must admit I didn’t know much about this particular squash other than it resembles spaghetti when … more
Good dental health in children is crucial for overall well-being. Healthy teeth enable proper chewing and speech development and contribute to self-esteem. Prioritizing dental health through … more
Wisdom is one of those qualities that is hard to get our heads around. We may think we know it when we see it, but a definition eludes us. One hundred people asked to define wisdom would likely give … more
Growing up on our family farm and ranch, I learned there were two time periods that were the busiest: calving season in the spring and harvest in the fall. The time has come for farmers to harvest … more
The clock on the huge scoreboard ticked away the final minutes of the last quarter. Two small schools, dead set on winning their district tournament, had run neck and neck the entire game. Buzzers … more
Today was exciting. I went out to the chicken coop as I always do, but for the first time ever, I finally found an egg! It’s funny how one little egg changed my entire mood in an instant. I’ve … more
Menopause is one of those things that, let’s face it, will ultimately affect everyone with previously functional ovaries. Unfortunately, we don’t talk about it enough, which makes it a topic … more
As I watch my grandchildren grow and learn, I’m reminded of what I learned as a young parent. Our children can learn far more (and more quickly) than we realize before we see it for ourselves. They … more
There is an old saying, common in certain circles. “I’m not much,” it goes, “but I’m all I think about.” It has been in my mind the past days as I have been reading in the eighth chapter … more
Eight of us sat around the long wooden table. The supper conversation had centered around the Erwin basketball team, tomorrow night’s game and Donald’s ‘great shots’ last Friday night. “You … more
My stepson Brody was in an accident on Tues., Sept. 10, totaling his truck and the other truck involved in the accident. It wasn’t his fault, and most importantly, neither he nor the other driver … more
My personal connection with adoption began nearly 30 years ago. As my mentor Dr. Holm and I hurried to the hospital, he told me about the child he and his wife Joanie had recently adopted. Rick loved … more
School is back in session, so it is time for a little pop quiz. What is an item that almost every student carries? If you said backpack, you are off to a great start. Do you know what it takes to be … more
We recently celebrated the graduation of 20 new law enforcement officers in South Dakota. This graduation was unique because it included the first ever tribal-focused law enforcement training put on … more
What would it be like to live our lives in endless praise for God? Does such a thing seem beyond impossible? Maybe, it does not even seem desirable. When I was a much younger person who thought I was … more
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