444 results total, viewing 21 - 40
Most of my recipes require preheating the oven to a certain temperature before baking. As I start to mix the dough, I press two buttons in the top panel of my stove. The fire ignites. Within five … more
It feels like Christmas snuck up on us again this year. I thought I had a jump on my shopping. I asked for everyone’s Christmas lists before Thanksgiving, so I could take advantage of the Black … more
The noise of wingbeats flying above the cattails creates instant excitement for my two yellow labs. Ducks start landing in the decoys, and my two oldest sons, who are four and six, look up at me with … more
It resembled a chubby bear, one that you could imagine if you stared up at a poofy cloud. Though far from round, Mom said it would work. She placed her smallest pie tin just next to the huge floury … more
Well, we finally did it. We threw out our Christmas tree. Each year, we’ve put up our tree later and later in the season. It’s not because we are lacking in Christmas spirit; it had more to do … more
It was the habit of Alexander Maclaren, the great Victorian Age English preacher, to put on work boots every morning as he entered his study to write his sermons. His purpose was to remind himself of … more
Our state motto is “Under God, the People Rule.” During my time as governor, I have always kept my budget proposals focused on our people, not government programs. Every dollar that we invest – … more
The story is told that when Michelangelo was creating his massive David sculpture, one significant problem was proportion. How, in such a large work, could he ensure that each part was symmetrical … more
There’s country school in heaven! It just started last week. The bell atop the celestial schoolhouse rings clear, its happy melody echoing through the clouds as it summons the children to class. … more
Everyone who knows us knows it was only a matter of time before we announced we had new additions to our little funny farm, and we didn’t take long to find the perfect start to our little farmyard … more
The human body is composed of a typical pattern of anatomy, yet every structure varies in form from person to person. For example, humans develop with a standard set of defined muscles, yet the shape … more
The holidays are wonderful for spending time together and celebrating traditions as a family. Every family celebrates in their own unique way and develops their own traditions. The Noem family has … more
During my years as a history teacher, my greatest joy came when I encountered students who were truly teachable. They were not necessarily those who scored the highest or won the most academic … more
“Come on, DeAnn. It’ll be fun!” My brother strode happily to the barn, the basketball bouncing on the frozen ground before him as he adeptly switched from right hand to left. I followed … more
It’s been a crazy, busy week and an emotional roller coaster; things started out horribly. I lost my dog unexpectedly and then had to pull myself together to prepare for Thanksgiving with the … more
Literature classes worldwide study Anton Chekhov (1860-1904), a great innovator of the short story. He wrote closely observed and deeply empathic slices-of-life with a great sense of humor; however, … more
This year, 2024, marks 10 years of raising awareness and celebrating National Apprenticeship Week. Apprenticeships are an effective approach for South Dakotans to gain on-the-job training plus … more
Hunting season is in full swing, and last weekend was all about hunting for us, as we tried to find that big buck. We all have deer tags this year, but I am the only one who drew an any-deer tag, … more
There was a scene from the old 1955-56 television show “The Honeymooners” in which Ralph, played with great bluster by Jackie Gleason, explains to his wife Alice, Audrey Meadows, that he is the … more
Today’s trendy teens are missing all the fun. Imagine this: women lined up outside stores, waiting to snag just one. But supplies were short. Coveting crowds grew angry. Riots ensued. Though the … more
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