Retired Pastor Tom Peyton was the speaker at church on Sept. 4, speaking on Eclesiastés 1 and 2, where Solomon was telling about all that he had, all he had achieved, worldwide fame for his gardens …
By Rose Grothe
Mark Knight was the speaker at church on Sept. 17, speaking on Exodus 1:16-2:10, on the subject of “unsung heroes.” He began with the midwives (first heroes) who, because they feared God, saved …
By Rose Grothe
Pastor Richert, Brookings, was the speaker at church on Sept. 10, 2023, speaking on 1 Peter 4:12/19, telling us that we are not to be afraid when as Christians, we are persecuted by unbelievers. We …
By Rose Grothe
Harrison Jay Pesicka was born at 12:53 on Wed., Aug. 19, weighing 6 pounds, 11 ounces and measuring 19" long. Parents are Brandy and Daniel Pesicka. Grandparents are Jay and Joanne (Grothe) Pesicka, …
Ted Haug was the speaker at church on Sept. 3, 2023, speaking on Galatians 1:11 – 2:12. It says Paul was telling a large crowd that he was the same man who had been having Christians put to death, …
By Rose Grothe
The Rev. Peyton was the speaker at church on Aug. 27, speaking on Acts 7 to 9, assorted verses. The subject was Saul of Tarsus, a most amazing story. Saul was at the stoning of Stephen, who was …
By Rose Grothe
I finally got my computer fixed, but it has been two very long weeks. I didn't think it would take that long. The Martens Family Reunion was held on Aug. 5 at the Legion Hall in De Smet, with people …
By Rose Grothe
Retired Pastor Tom Peyton was the speaker at church on Sun., July 23, speaking on the third Chapter of John. Nicodemus came to Jesus by night, as he was one of the Pharisees, the very top …
By Rose Grothe
Ted Haug was the speaker at our church on July 16, speaking on the last phrase of The Apostle's Creed, “the resurrection of the body and the life everlasting” from 1 Corinthians 15. He explained …
By Rose Grothe
The Rev. Richert, Brookings, was the speaker at our church on July 9, speaking on 1 Peter 4:1-6. This passage tells us that we will have suffering after we receive Jesus Christ into our hearts, …
By Rose Grothe
Ted Haug was the speaker at our church on July 2, speaking on a portion of Psalm 51 and 1 John 1:8-9. The subject was a portion of the Apostle's Creed, “The forgiveness of sins.” Psalm tells of …
By Rose Grothe
Mark Knight was the speaker at church on June 18, speaking on James 2:17, that faith without works was a dead faith. We may say that we have faith in God, but we do not let that faith change us into …
By Rose Grothe
The Rev. Richert of Brookings was the speaker at our church on June 11. He spoke on 1 Peter 3:18-22. Janice White of Brookings, Linda Perry and Rose Grothe attended the Gibson Girls concert at the De …
By Rose Grothe
Ted Haug was the speaker at church on June 4, speaking again on a portion of the Apostle's Creed, “the communion of saints.” He used Philippians 2:1, explaining what this means to us. When we …
By Rose Grothe
Retired minister, Pastor Tom Peyton, was the speaker at church on May 28, speaking on the book of Philippians, pointing out the many things listed there on how to be joyful in the midst of any …
By Rose Grothe
Mark Knight was the speaker at our church on May 21, speaking on Malachi 1:2-3, where it tells us that God said Jacob He loved, and Esau He hated. Then, Knight went on to tell that Esau, as the first …
By Rose Grothe
The Rev. Steve Richert of Brookings was the speaker at our church on Mother's Day, speaking on Eph. 5:21-33, which reminds us that as God loved us so much, He gave up His Son to redeem us from sin. …
By Rose Grothe
Ted Haug was the speaker at our church on May 7, speaking on the universal church from Matthew 16:15-19. He mentioned that there are 30,000 different denominations in the world, but each one is …
By Rose Grothe
The Rev. Steve Richert of Brookings was the speaker at church on April 30, speaking about 'witnessing while suffering' from 1 Peter 3:13-19; that as we live our Christian life, Satan will attack us …
By Rose Grothe
Retired minister Thomas Payton was the speaker at our church on April 23. Janice White, Brookings, Sharon Pieper, Valley Springs, Dorothy Wentzel, Sioux Falls, and Rose Grothe went to Watertown on …
By Rose Grothe