89 results total, viewing 41 - 60
The retired Reverand Tom Peytin was the speaker at our church onFeb. 25, 2024, speaking on the exact center of the Bible. The verse is Psalms 118:8 and the main part of that verse says, “Trust in … more
I didn’t get to church on Sun., Feb. 18, but I did listen to a couple of sermons on TV. One talked about being different. I don’t know who he was, but he was talking about how being a Christian … more
The Reverend Richert of Brookings was the speaker at church on Feb. 11, 2024. He spoke on 1 Peter 5, where Peter was speaking about the duties of the elders. They are not only the leaders with the … more
Retired Reverend Tom Peyton was the speaker at church on Jan. 28, 2024. He spoke on Ecclesiastes 3, where King Solomon says there is a time for everything, a time to be born, to die, time to plant … more
There were no church services at our church again this Sunday because of the snowdrifts and ice. All of us were kept safe from being stalled on the road or in the ditch because of the weather. I … more
Services were cancelled at church due to an approaching cold snap. Temperatures would be zero and below, and a 50-mph wind would begin to blow. Our speaker should not be out on the roads in such … more
I didn't get to my church this morning for various reasons, but I did listen to one service on TV. The pastor spoke on Philippians 4, some certainties for the New Year. We still have the love of our … more
The Reverend Tom Peyton was the speaker at church Sunday, speaking on Revelations 2 and 3, which was written to the seven churches at that time. Each church congregation had fallen away from the … more
christmas is I have a list of folks I know all written in a book, And every year at Christmas time, I go and take a look. And that is when I realize that these are a part Not of the book they're … more
Mark Knight was the speaker at church on Dec. 17, speaking on II Peter 1:19. He talked about the fulfilling of a 700-year prophecy when Christ was born. He also explained from various scriptures it … more
DECEMBER 3 Ted Haug was the speaker at church on Dec. 3, speaking on the Advent of Christ. His wife, Kaye, oversaw the music, and the two of them presented a Christmas program. It was an incredibly … more
Hi, Folks. I'll be gone this week. With no time to write a column, I will send this poem to kick off the Christmas season. See you next week. On a lighter note Befana the Housewife, scrubbing her … more
There was no church service on Nov. 26. We did have a beautiful concert by Mr. and Mrs. Paul Aamot of Beresford, S.D. I feel sorry for all who missed it because it was a wonderful time of gospel … more
Mark Knight was the speaker at church on Sun., Nov. 19, speaking on II Corinthians 4:15. The title of his sermon was “The difference between being thankful and giving thanks.” The difference is … more
Sorry, folks. This will be a bit short this week, as I lost what I had written. I do not have time to try to retype it, as I have a doctor's appointment to attend. Mark Knight was the speaker at our … more
Ted Haug was the speaker at church on Nov. 5, speaking on Galatians 3: 1-9. Paul is talking to the leaders of the church, telling them that they were foolish because they had let someone brainwash … more
Retired Reverend Tom Peyton was the speaker at church on Oct. 29, 2023. He spoke on Galatians 6:1, how we are to treat someone who has fallen into sin, especially fellow believers. It is so easy to … more
Brad Magness was the speaker at church on Oct. 22, speaking on Matthew 22: 15-22, where the Pharisees tried to trap Jesus by asking about paying taxes to Rome. Jesus’s answer, after asking whose … more
Mark Knight was the speaker at our church on Oct. 15, speaking on Exodus 4: 1-20, where God is telling Moses that he was to lead the people of Israel out of Egypt. A good sermon, Mark, and thank you … more
Ted Haug was the speaker at church on Oct. 19, speaking on Galatians 2:11-21, where Paul is speaking to Peter, saying that if he was acting like and telling the Gentiles that they had to follow the … more
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