The church in Bancroft is planning a celebration for its 135 years of continuous service to the community later this month. I’ll tell you more as plans are finalized. I didn’t get to church on …
By Rose Grothe
I didn’t get to church again today, so I don’t know who spoke or about what. I turned on TV to watch a service or two. My son had told me last night that an assassination attempt was made on …
By Rose Grothe
Ted Haug was the speaker at church on July 7, 2024, speaking on Galatians 5:16 – 24. Paul, after listing the evils of the flesh, said that anyone who does things such as sexual sins, unclean …
By Rose Grothe
Jim Bishop, popular author of 21 books including “The Day Christ Died” and “The Day Kennedy Was Shot,” died in 1987. This column, written in the 1960s, was a favorite of his wife Kelly. There …
By Rose Grothe
Retired Reverend Tom Peyton was the speaker at church on June 23, speaking on the “meanest member of the church.” The text was James 3: 1-12, where James was speaking about the tongue, one of the …
By Rose Grothe
I didn’t get to church again this Sunday, so I don’t know who the speaker was. I do not have the scripture for you to read for yourselves. I’m sorry about that; I hope to get there next Sunday. …
By Rose Grothe
The Reverend Steve Richert, Brookings, was the speaker at church on June 9, 2024, speaking on 1 John 2:15 – 27. I didn’t make it to church, but the title of the sermon was “Do Not Love the …
By Rose Grothe
Ted Haug was the speaker at church on June 2, speaking on Galatians, Chapters 5-6. The congregation in the church are still trying to keep their many gods and follow the Jewish law, which had so many …
By Rose Grothe
Mark Knight was the speaker at church on May 19, 2024, speaking on Joshua 5:13 – 6:5. Thank you, Mark, for showing us once again how God’s power was greater than all the preparations that man can …
By Rose Grothe
Because so many of our congregation were not going to be in church due to Mother's Day plans, church was cancelled May 12. I hope all the mothers in the area had a good day. On Fri., May 10, Linda …
By Rose Grothe
Ted Haug was the speaker at church on May 5, speaking again from Galatians 4:21 – 31. It tells about Abraham having two sons, (the important ones), Ishmael and Isaac, and the difference between the …
By Rose Grothe
The retired Reverend Peytin was the speaker at church on April 28, 2024. He spoke on some of the things that we have because of the resurrected Christ. The first, of course, was our salvation, which …
By Rose Grothe
Billie Sargent was the speaker at church on April 21, speaking on Luke 12:13-24. Billie then talked about famous people who had passed away, mentioning that the actresses, football players and more …
By Rose Grothe
The Reverend Steve Richert was the speaker at church on April 14; he spoke on I Peter 5: 12-114. The apostle Peter was exhorting the Christians scattered through the known area because of …
By Rose Grothe
Ted Haug was the speaker at church on April 7, 2024, speaking on Galatians 4: 8-20. Paul was writing to the church at Galatia because he was very distressed with them. When he had established the …
By Rose Grothe
The Reverend Richert was the speaker at church on March 31, 2024, speaking on the empty tomb, and how Mary Magdalene didn’t recognize Jesus in the garden of the sepulcher. She and the disciples …
By Rose Grothe
Church was cancelled today because it was already snowing hard in Huron, from where our speaker was to come. I did listen to a couple of sermons on TV. One had an early Easter sermon, talking about …
By Rose Grothe
The speaker at church on March 17, 2024, was Mark Knight. He spoke on Joshua 3:2-17. The subject was the crossing of the Jordan River into the Promised Land. The priests who carried the ark of the …
By Rose Grothe
I didn’t get to church this morning, March 10, so I cannot tell you about the sermon. I do have something that was on the back of our bulletin a few years ago that I saved because I thought it was …
By Rose Grothe
Ted Haug was the speaker at church on Feb. 24, speaking on Galatians 4:1-7. When we accept Christ as our Redeemer and Saviour, God sends the Holy Spirit by the Son. It goes into our hearts to make us …
By Rose Grothe